Today in Florida a woman lays dying, murdered actually, it's just not finished yet.
Over the course of the last two weeks the MSM has pontificated, postured and blathered all about the right to die. Once again they've got it all wrong, the story of Terri Schaivo is really about the right to kill those we find inconvenient, costly and ugly.
Surveys have asked over and over "Would you want to live like this?" NO! is the resounding American answer. Ask the question another way, "If you had an accident or injury that left you significantly disabled would you prefer to have all the rehabilitative might that modern medicine offers and all the tests administered to properly diagnose you or would you prefer to languish in a twilight place until they came to pull your feeding tube out so that you slowly starved and dehydrated to death, this death taking up to two weeks or more?" Um, tests and rehabilitation please.
That question "Would you want to live like this?" could get a "No" answer to dozens of situations and circumstances. For example: I don't want to live with acne, back pain, headaches, old soccer injuries, in Denver, as an amputee, without wealth, without comfort and without my cup of coffee in the morning. Are we so selfish and vain that life actually loses all of its value simply because our circumstances change? I'm not saying that there isn't heartache and pain involved, or that life is easy for Terri or her family. What I am saying is that life itself is precious, and must be held onto tightly at all times.
What I see at work here is misplaced and wrongheaded selfishness disguised as sympathy. Simply because you would prefer to not live in a specific circumstance does in no way mean that it is acceptable to put someone else to death because they are living in that specific circumstance. It looks like sympathy, but really is an aberrant form of selfishness.
Considering that life is the one absolute irreplaceable in our time here on earth, the one thing we can't do without, should we really be quantifying it's value with what we used to be like, what we prefer and how we would LIKE to live? If you follow that logic, then why do we intervene in places like Darfur, after all who wants to live like a third world refugee? Just let them die. That of course is hideous thinking, of course we intervene, life is valuable. Sometimes.
In reading the opinions of the bioethecists weighing in on Terri Schaivo's case I am more and more frightened of the future. These "ethicists" actually argue that because Mrs. Schaivo's diminished brain function has reduced her hopes for her life, and even her ability to know that she has a life that her life is therefore less valuable and so she can be terminated like we would kill a cow for dinner. She is unaware that she is a person and therefore her right to protection as a person is forfeit. They argue the same for embryos, fetuses, infants and alzheimers patients. We should be harvesting these "Non-person people" for what they have that we lack. How on earth did these people come up with these sick, twisted and demonic ideas? Well, it starts with abortion, that leads to euthanasia, that leads to eugenics, that leads to a slaughter we can't even imagine.
No, you say. Really? Wake up and smell the coffin. In Europe they kill babies and children because they don't measure up, through the age of 12. In this country we allow a woman to kill her fetus right up to the moments before birth, we allow physician assisted suicide. In China they harvest organs from political prisoners in the hours before they are executed. AND WE ALLOW ALL OF THIS. Why?
Because we have consistently and willfully turned away from God, from the knowledge that He gave us this life, life for a purpose. Jesus came that we might have life, and that abundantly. So that we could walk in His ways and glorify Him. In seeking after Satan's folly, pride and power in ourselves and our abilities, forsaking the One who gave us ourselves and our abilities, we have set up new gods in the temples of our minds. Youth, health, bodily perfection, fill-in-the-blank. These gods rule us with heavy hands, influencing everything they touch. Just look around, you can see them everywhere in everything. Most terrifyingly of all, these gods have taken up residence in the halls of medicine.
So, would I want to live like Terri Schaivo? Not with Michael Schaivo as my husband, because I wouldn't live, I would die.
1 comment:
This is a hard subject.
In ancient times, communities from arctic to desert climes, often had customs that embraced a willing end.
The old and infirm, knowing that to keep them alive would seriously strain the resources of the tribe, would walk into the blizzard, the sandstorm. They would slip away into the night.
Those who couldn't walk, might turn their faces to the wall, and just stop.
The real question is - Life after death.
As they laid the Pope to rest, a choir sang, praying for Eternal Rest.
If life after death is better than this one, if we are heading for that heavenly choir, if we fly into the heart of God, is that not the rapture? Doesn't sound like rest to me.
Would I chose to die right now? No, I am not ready to quit just yet, because I'm still busy here.
When I am done, I will let you know.
So we have here a quandry.
Do we let die? Do we help die. Do we help life? Do we force life?
None of these questions have unambiguous answers.
If we took away technology, electricity, industrial pharmaceuticals, and the cripplingly expensive infrastructure that gets paid to support marginal life (this is just a question)who would then live?
My only question is, are you ready to hold the hand of your neighbor as they die, blessing their last hours with loving care.
When this civilization turns out the lights, that will be all we will have left to offer each other.
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