Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Child Molesters and the Judges that Love Them

Shasta Groene suffered at the hands of a monster while her mother, two brothers and her mother's boyfriend died, for what? So the wheels of a crooked justice could spew a monster out of jail to satisfy some weak thought process? Shasta spent a month and a half, 45 days, 6 weeks, in the hands of a despicable creature that should have still been in jail.

At some point the laws of this country have to change to protect children. I appreciate that we have to treat everyone humanely, check, got it. But what we don't have to do is allow predators to walk the streets hunting children for their sick pleasure. We would shoot a killer bear, why do we think these predators are any less dangerous because they have to "register"? Already we've seen that is an ineffective deterrent for child sex offenders. (see story on Jessica Lunsford below.) Again, why do we expect law breakers to be law abiders all of a sudden once they are convicted. Has something momentous changed? No, it never has.

I've said it before, child sex offenders should be imprisoned for life, no chance of parole ever, first offense. (It's the first time they got caught, it wasn't the first time they perpetrated.) If they killed a child during the commission of the crime, they die. Period.

Now, the Judge that let that man go so he could prey upon the Groene family should be made to pay a penalty also. He can't get off with out some kind of justice.

1 comment:

Vivian Louise said...

It's revolting, and wrong. I'm looking into how to campaign for tougher laws. I'll post here when I've figure it out.